Kyminasi Plant Booster
Pepper Results

What is Kyminasi Plant Booster (KPB)?

Kyminasi Plant Booster is a revolutionary new technology, that is installed in a farms irrigation system and consists of micro transmitters that have been programmed to transmit the specific frequencies that a plant needs for its optimal operation or maximun potential

These frequencies reach the plant via water through the irrigation system.

Crop Recovery

Date: June 2021.

Place: Colombia – South America.

Details: Cultivation of Habanero Chile for export.

Results: Bigger fruits.
Less use of pesticides.
Better shelf life

Kyminasi Plant Booster is a new technology

Increase nutrient absorption

Supercharge photosynthesis

Increase Root density and growth

100% more Yield.

Date: January 2021.

Place: Colombia – South America.

Details: Bell Peppers field installation with KPB vs control field.

Results: 16 Peppers per plant without Kyminasi vs. 30 Peppers per plant with Kyminasi. 100% more yield.

97% More Production




Date: March 2020.

Place: Perú – South America.

Details: Aji Panca Peppers field installation with KPB vs control field.


97% extra production.

Less plants mortality.




Average Crop Booster weight: 35 gr. (35gr x 45 peppers = 1575gr)
Witness average weight: 21 gr. (21gr x 38 peppers = 798gr)

70% More Yield.

Date: January 2020.

Place: Perú – South America.

Details:Bell Peppers greenhouse installation with KPB vs. control greenhouse.

Results:30% more flowers than the control plants, with darker green coloring and more vigorous growth. At harvest, the Kyminasi plants produced a 70% increase in yield over the control field.

97% Yield Increase



Date: December 2019.

Place: Panama – Central America.

Details: Bell Peppers greenhouse installation with KPB vs. control greenhouse.

Results:  30% more flowers than the control plants, with darker green coloring and more vigorous growth. At harvest, the Kyminasi plants produced a 97% increase in yield over the control field.

Peppers Results in Washington

Date: January 2019.

Place: WA USA.

Details: Installation in four varieties of Bell Peppers.

Results: Bell peppers were larger, thicker and perfect quality.  The plants 60% more production.



Harvest Harmonics 2021. All rights reserved