This deceptively simple device sends more than 3,000 signals to the cells of the plants, via the water that flows over it, each signal essentially giving the plant instructions on how to reach its optimal genetic potential.
Kyminasi Plant Booster Technology

The Science Behind Harvest Harmonics
As innovative as the technology is—and it’s been called an entirely “new body of knowledge“1—the basic premise is simple. Plants have survived on this planet for approximately 470 million years, accommodating to every environmental change. In fact, the earliest known species, mosses and liverworts, are still around. This technology harnesses and supports plants’ natural “intelligence” and enables them to do what they’ve always known how to do.
This featured video explains how the Plant Booster enhances photosynthesis, the basis for all plant survival, and the process by which it helps create stronger, healthier, pest-resistant plants; nutrient-rich soil; and a cleaner environment for us all.

Kyminasi Plants Crop Booster Benefits
42 documented benefits of the Crop Booster, powered by Kyminasi Plants Technology

Plant health
Plant strength
· Maximize photosynthesis
· Increased Biomass
· Increased stem diameter
· Increased number of leaves and branches
· Increased chlorophyll/ healthier plants
· Reduced flower drop
· Reduced fruit drop
Plant health
Growth and Development
· Increased germination rate/percentage
· Faster Growth
· Denser/wider plant or tree canopy
· Increased root growth and depth
Plant health
Increased Resilience
· Better fungal resistance
· Better disease resistance
· Better pest resistance/ less bugs
· Better resilience to heat stress
· Better resilience to cold/frost stress
· Drought resistance
· Reduction in salt toxicity
· Reduced transpiration

Reduction of inputs
· Reduced water usage
· Reduced fertilizer usage
· Reduced pesticide usage
· Reduced herbicide usage
· Better weed control/ less weeds
Fruit quality
· Increased shelf life
· Better fruit and vegetables quality
· Better fruit sizing (symmetrical, consistent)
· Higher Brix in fruit (better sugar levels, better taste)
· Increased nutrient density/relative feed value (documented to make animals healthier)
· Increased number of flowers and fruits per plant
· Increased yields (documented by all our Case Studies)
· Increased profits (documented by our Profitability Optimization Protocol for Sustainability program)
· Greater seed production (number of grains per gram)

Environmental Improvement
· Improved carbon sequestration
· Improved nitrogen utilization
· Improved nitrogen sequestration
· Reduced inputs (see above)
· Reduction in excess salinity and electrical conductivity in soil
· Reduced soil compaction in heavy soils
· Increased Cation Ion Exchange capacity in soil
· Increased microbial activity in soil
· Improved water retention in soil
· Improved soil structure

Growing Success Around the Globe
Where Harvest Harmonics technology is transforming agriculture
Results by CropIncrease yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster!