Kyminasi Plant Booster
Tomatoes Results

What is Kyminasi Plant Booster (KPB)?

Kyminasi Plant Booster is a revolutionary new technology, that is installed in a farms irrigation system and consists of micro transmitters that have been programmed to transmit the specific frequencies that a plant needs for its optimal operation or maximun potential

These frequencies reach the plant via water through the irrigation system.

More Depth, Juice, And Flavor

Date: January 2021

Place:  Colombia – South America.

Details: tomatoes greenhouse with KPB.

Results:The harvest time was advanced by 2 weeks. The crop contained only first-class tomatoes. The tomatoes showed no presence of pests or diseases, so there was no need for fungicides or pesticides.  

Kyminasi Plant Booster is a new technology

Increase nutrient absorption

Supercharge photosynthesis

Increase Root density and growth

Tomatoes Results in Washington

Date: September 2019

Place: Washington – USA

Details: Heirloom Tomatoes field installation with KPB.

Results: More yield
Better Quality
Better Brix rate

Survived A Fungus Attack

Date: September 2017

Place: Washington – USA

Details: Heirloom tomatoes greenhouse trial with KPB vs. control

Results: After 4 weeks, low light levels combined with a fungus killed all the control plants. Kyminasi plants survived, and when the light levels increased a couple of weeks later, they grew and started producing fruit (watch video).

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Harvest Harmonics 2021. All rights reserved