Our Mission
We believe that the people of Earth deserve healthy food to eat and, a healthy environment to live in.
We also believe that farmers who work hard to provide our food deserve to make a good living while doing it.
It is our mission to help farmers around the world grow healthier, more productive plants.

The Future of Farms
Fulvio Balmelli is an independent researcher in Como, Italy. He has spent over 30 years researching a new technology to eliminate disease and dysfunction in the human body. Over 20 years ago, he began applying this technology to plant biology to improve a plant’s nutrient density and increase its resilience to pests and disease. His hard work has now paid off in a revolutionary new product, the Kyminasi Plant Booster.
Farmers / Customers
They trusted us to increase their production and profits.
Installed all over the world
Our technology can be adapted to any irrigation system.
Multiple Crops
Works on any plant that performs photosynthesis. (Sorry, Mushrooms)
Case Study

So, What Is This Product?
Introducing the Kyminasi Plant Booster!
The Kyminasi Plant Booster consists of easy-to-install, ready-to-go, advanced custom microtransmitters utilizing 3,000+ quantum waves which enhance the natural ability of plants. Kyminasi Plant Booster is activated when water first flows past it. KPB is custom-sized for each farm and designed to work with all crops planted on soil. No power system or maintenance is required. Irrigation devices use an advanced signaling system to boost photosynthesis and crop yields in plants.
Over 20 years of biophysics research has led to a breakthrough in improving plant health and increasing crop yield. Biophysics is the science of using the laws of physics to enhance biological function. Our researchers have studied plants’ natural processes, namely root growth, nutrient and water absorption, and photosynthesis. The result is the most advanced crop booster technology in agriculture, which attaches to a farmer’s irrigation system and uses the water to amplify plants’ natural processes.
Meet Our Specialists
No matter where you are, our team can provide the information you need to help you with your profit and yield.
Here’s What Our Farmers Are Saying

“I installed the Kyminasi Plant Booster on my 1-year-old orange trees. After 6 weeks, my trees had grown larger than my neighbor’s 2-year-old trees! The leaves were larger and greener as well, indicating healthier trees.”

“We installed the Kyminasi Plant Booster on our pepper field after planting. After 75 days, the Kyminasi field produced 97% more peppers by weight compared to the control field right next to it.
The peppers were larger, thicker, and much better quality than control.”

“We used the Kyminasi Plant Booster on our grapes. After 44 days, we saw 1640 kg more grapes! and got 23% higher prices than our standard grapes due to higher quality.”

“Our result demostrated a 70% increase in yield based on weight in a high controlled professional environment. We never expected to get such an increase because we already had a very high yield.”
Maximize Crop Yield and Quality
There is a new technology that improves three key areas of plant health and crop production: