Produce more on same amount of land. You don’t need to new expensive acreage with Kyminasi.
The Farmer’s Up and Down Life
City folks have no idea of the life of the farmer. It is a roller coaster and there are highs like no other highs when the weather is perfect, and the crops are so deliciously green and the fruits or vegetables are so thick and fat the plant seems to almost break under their load. (And the market is up, and demand is high!)
But when there...
The water problem is solved
“All day I face the barren waste, without the taste of water… Cool, clear water.”
I can’t help but smile thinking of that great song by the Sons of the Pioneers that was so popular back in the day. I know every word of the lyrics and hear the melody many years later. I went to their concert, wearing my boots, jeans and cowboy hat and had my picture made with them on stage. One of those great...
This coming Wednesday, the 12th of October is National Farmer’s Day! What a day!
This is a day to honor and to share our deep appreciation and thanks for all your hard work; you plow, sow, grow, and harvest to feed our great nation. It is not an easy job! And so, God built a farmer.
We want to THANK YOU for all your hard work!
And we want to thank our innovative farmers who started with us by...
Drought and Agriculture
Drought is considered a cyclical climatic phenomenon caused by a reduction in rainfall, which manifests itself slowly and affects people, economic activities, the environment, and can even interfere with the social and economic development of peoples. In the agricultural sector, drought refers to the marked and permanent deficit of rainfall that significantly reduces agricultural production in...